Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Google Analytics Now Measures Website Speed

Google Analytics has recently announced the availability of the Site Speed report in their new platform. 

Google believes that a faster web is better for both users and businesses alike. A slow loading landing page can greatly impact your conversion rate as well as AdWords Landing Page Quality and ranking in Google search.

Google Analytics Site Speed report allows you to measure the page load time for a sample of page views on your website pages. It also tracks load speed by page type easily and efficiently and can measure the impact of load speed on conversion rates.

Calculating load speed for pages behind a login and segmenting load speed by user-type such as registered and non-registered users is also allowed by Google Analytics Site Speed report. It can also  help analyze overall load speed by geographic region, browser and others so that you can learn how your site speed relates to a variety of factors.

Google Analytics Site Speed report feature is displayed in the Content section of the Analytics reports. It allows you to see which pages load the fastest and which ones are slower so that you can do something to improve your page load speed for slower pages and then track page load time along these other dimensions in order to see if your actions resulted in your preferred improvements.

A change to your tracking code must be made in order for the Google Analytics Site Speed reports to work. Just add this simple insertion of your asynchronous code, _gaq.push(['_trackPageLoadTime']); then after 24 hours you will be able to see the load time of your site's visitors.

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