Thursday, May 31, 2012

Social Media Analysis From Platform to Individual Level

Nowadays, Social Media has become the new business mantra. It has become a very powerful marketing medium, engaging customers to interact, communicate and convert as well as carrying immense power in influencing brand and corporate reputation, where brand image, brand loyalties and purchasing decisions alter with each mentions or conversations shared.

Social Media Analysis (SMA) helps enterprises in making these relevant business decisions by providing information as to what’s working and what’s not, therefore enabling them to optimize products, features, campaigns, and interactions on the fly.
As SMA is reactive, gathering information from an already proactive market, it also helps in determining whether who your customers are, are they engaging and how often, are they happy and if not, what their grievances are. It facilitates the adoption of corrective measures to dispel all wrong opinions against a company or its brand.

So, you must take your SMA from a platform or cross platform level down to the level of individuals, if you want to know how you can engage effectively with different individuals.

Social Media Analysis at the Individual Level: What Things to Consider?

In SMA at the individual level, both quantitative and qualitative analysis must be conducted. This done for when combined, this will help you track each individual who is engaging with your brand.

• You must make sure to determine which members of your audience have the most impact to your brand as well as influential to your other connections.

• Once you’ve ranked your brands audience, you can now prioritize the people who are most important to your brand and who assure more in-depth quantitative and qualitative analysis.

Quantitative VS Qualitative Analysis

In quantitative analysis, the frequency at which the individual engages with your brand is analyzed. Know if the individual’s engagement is sustained, come in waves, or in periodic or one time engagements. The volume of engagements segmented by engagement type is also analyzed.

In qualitative analysis, what pieces of content the individual liked, for example, on Facebook or what tweets they retweeted on Twitter are analyzed. The comments left by your followers on posts and the types of original posts that elicit responses from the individual can also be analyzed.

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